Sunday, December 2, 2012

Stage Fright

It seems as if some people are just naturally at home on stage. Whether they're acting in a play or performing a concert, these people are great at being the center of attention.

Then there are the people who suffer from stage fright. They might enjoy acting or performing, but they're also terrified about being in front of an audience. Their stage fright might be so bad that they need to take anxiety medications or do yoga before they go on stage.

Venessa : Do you like to be the center of attention?

Sara : You know, I know it's sort of....I'm not supposed to admit it, but I kind of do.

Venessa : Really? So do you like to perform, do you sing or act or anything like that?

Sara : Yeah, I like to be the center of attention when I'm performing. I don't like to be the center of attention in a group, like in a social situation, but give me a stage and I'm fine, I'm great.

Venessa : Do you ever get stage fright?

Sara : I don't, really. I get way more nervous in, like, an ordinary social situation than I do on stage.

Venessa : I just freeze up when I get on stage now. I don't know, I think... Something really embarrassing happened to me on stage, and I have to just get myself psyched up before I go out now.

Sara : What happened to you?

Venessa : Well, I was in a play, and I had a wardrobe malfunction. The strap broke on my dress.

Sara : Yikes.

Venessa : It was so embarrassing.

Sara : Oh no.

Venessa : I was humiliated.

Sara : And did you ever get back up on stage after that?

Venessa : I did, but it took a long time to build back up to it.

Sara : Yeah. I'm lucky. I should knock on wood because nothing like that's happened to me yet, but we'll see.

Key Vocabulary

Freeze up (expr) -------> Be unable to act because because of nervousness or anxiety.

Psyched up (expr) ------> Really excited and energized.

Malfunction (n) ---------> The act of something not working.

Humiliated (v) ----------> Embarrassed, humbled, made to feel bad.

At home (expr) ---------> Very comfortable.

Perform (v) -------------> Give a performance; do something so other people can watch.

Center of attention (expr) --> Having everyone notice that you are doing.

Anxiety (n) -------------> Concerb, worry, fear.

Knock on wood (expr) ---> Wish that something bad doesn't happen.

Social (Ajd) -------------> Friendly; relating to friend or hanging out.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Calling In Sick

A : Hello, Daniel speaking, how may I help you?

B : Hi, Daniel, Julia here.

A : Hi, Julia, how are you?

B : Actually, I'm feeling quite ill today.

A : I'm sorry to hear that, what's wrong?

B : I think I'm coming down with the flu. I have a headache, a sore throat, a runny nose and I'm feeling slightly feverish.

A : I you're calling in sick?

B : Yes, I was hoping to take the day off to recover.

A : OK, then. Try and get some rest.

Key Vocabulary

Was hoping (phrase) -----> To kindly expect

Calling in sick (phrase) -----> Report that you will not go to work because you are sick.

Coming down (phrase) -----> Getting, acquiring

Quite ill (phrase) ---------> Very sick

Supplementary Vocabulary

Impolite (Adj) ------> Rude

Permission (noun) -----> Allow

Symptom (noun) -------> A sign, indication

Sick day (phrase) ------> Day off because you're sick

Make it into work (phrase) -----> Go to work

Difficult Customer

Fabio : Good evening. My name is Fabio. I'll be your waiter for tonight. May I take your order?

Robert : No, I'm still working on it. This menu isn't even in English. What's good here?

Fabio : For you sir, I would recommend spaghetti and meatballs.

Robert : Does it come with  coke and fries?

Fabio : It comes with either soup or salad and a complimentary glass of wine, sir.

Robert : I'll go with spaghetti and meatballs, salad and the wine.

Fabio : Excellent choice. Your order will be ready soon.

Robert : How soon it soon?

Fabio : Twenty minutes.

Robert : You know what? I'll just go grab a burger across the street.

Key Vocabulary

Grab (principle verb, present simple) ------> Get quickly

Go with (phrase) -------> To choose, pick

Would recommend ------> Suggest

Complimentary (Adj) -----> Free

Still working on (phrase) ------> Not yet completed, need more time

Supplementary Vocabulary

Impatient ------> Uncomfortable waiting, wanting to go

Fast food (phrase) -----> Food prepared and served quickly

Waitress (noun, singular) -----.> Female server at restaurant or bar

Fancy (Ajd) ------> Nice, expensive, upscale

Casual (Adj) ------> Relaxed, not dressy